Student Privacy Statement
Enid Public Schools is committed to protecting your child's education records. Our school district is continuing to develop comprehensive policies to comply with federal and state student privacy laws and regulations. Protecting data collected about your child and how it is used to enhance his or her learning experience in our schools is a significant responsibility and trust given to our school officials.
Our district and schools collect data including PII information defined in Oklahoma HB 2618 including scores on tests and assignments, report card grades, student attendance, demographics, information on special needs, graduation and remediation rates, and disciplinary actions. This data is used to determine eligibility for services and help teachers and school leaders understand what is or is not helping children succeed. and to personalize instruction to improve student achievement. While schools and school districts have always collected student data, the creation, storage, and analysis of this information has increasingly moved to digital formats online.
As a result, we have a strict student data privacy policy that details the procedures and security mechanics in place to protect student data, which is consistent with Oklahoma Department of Education Data Privacy and Security practices. The policy also outlines restrictions on authorized users who can access students' data. Access to personally identifiable data about your child is limited to those with a legitimate educational interest in their data, meaning that individuals within the district only have access to the data they need to do their job.
This data will never be sold or shared for marketing or commercial purposes, and will only be used to improve how our students learn and succeed.
Key Messages for Parents
1) Student data is carefully safeguarded through school and district policies and procedures, as well as state and federal privacy laws that are specifically designed to protect student data.
2) Individuals within the district only have access to the identifiable data they need in order to carry out the responsibilities of their job.
3) We collect data including scores on tests and assignments, report card grades, attendance, demographics, information on special needs, graduation and remediation rates, and disciplinary actions. This data is used to determine eligibility for services and to personalize lesson plans for learning thereby improving student achievement.
4) Our schools, school districts, and technology partners are subject to strict penalties under law if student information is misused or compromised.
5) Information collected about your child's learning helps our teachers and schools enhance his/her educational experience to ensure student success.
Key Messages from Teachers
1) Our access to personally identifiable data about student learning is limited to those students with whom we work.
2) As teachers, we are trained and committed to protecting the student’s data we can access.
3) Student data allows us to personalize lesson plans and assignments and select the right learning tools and content for each student.
Key Messages from School and District Administrators
1) Our district recognizes that the security of student data is of the utmost importance and we serve as the frontline in the protection of student data.
2) Our school/district has a comprehensive student data privacy policy that outlines processes and security mechanisms that protect student data and also governs who has access to data and how it can be used.
3) Access to personally identifiable information is restricted to trained, qualified people, and they only have access to the specific data they need to do their jobs.
4) Student data helps principals and school district administrators make important decisions on how to best serve our students. We limit the data we collect to only that which is necessary for us to provide students with an effective education.
Key Messages from Local School Board Members
1) As leaders elected to oversee our community's school system, we are committed to protecting and securing student data.
2) We must ensure the school district and its employees are upholding all existing federal and state student privacy protection laws, and we take that responsibility very seriously.
3) Aggregated student data allows our board to make informed decisions on allocating resources and establishing new programs that will enhance student learning.
For questions or concerns about Enid Public Schools Student Data Privacy, contact the district's Director of Information and Instructional Technology, Jeffery A. Herbel.