Join the EPS Team!
Enid Public Schools is seeking the best education professionals to impact the lives of the world's best students. It is of the utmost importance to EPS that teachers be highly qualified in the subject areas they will be teaching
Do you teach special education, math, science or a world language?
This check could be yours!

Enid Public Schools is proud to pay an average of $3,800/step more than the minimum salary schedule. In fact, records from the Oklahoma State Department of Education indicate that, during the 2016-17 school year, Enid is the only Garfield County district that pays more than the state minimum salary schedule for steps 1-25.
Our Teachers & Staff
We believe education is about people, and there is nothing more important to instruction than the quality of the teacher in a classroom; that's why we strive to hire and retain the best educators.
Our teaching staff is 100% highly qualified under No Child Left Behind, and more than half of EPS teachers have earned their master's or doctorate degrees. Our district boasts more than 40 Nationally Board Certified teachers and education professionals.
Our teachers utlize researched-based instructional programs, while also implementing hands-on, innovative learning techniques that excite and inspire children.
Our support staff members also are critical to our success. Child nutrition assistants, secretaries, bus drivers, custodians and more -- every member of the EPS team contributes to the educational experience. They care about our students, and they take pride in our schools.
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer
The Enid Public School system does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex/gender, age, national origin, alienage, handicap, or veteran status. Inquiries concerning application of this policy may be referred to Enid Public Schools, Melissa Graddick, Compliance Coordinator, 500 S. Independence, Enid, OK 73701. 580-366-7000