What is EPS·connect 3.0?
Students across the district have 1:1 technology, including Chromebooks (Grades 2 -12) and iPads (Grades PreK - 1). EPS·connect has provided students and teachers with unlimited learning resources from across the world, with the safety and security of the EPS network. The initiative saves the district significant funds as fewer textbooks and paper materials are purchased and educational material moves online.
What does 1:1 mean?
One device for each student.
Why give each student a device?
Increase in Student Engagement
Allows students to extend themselves in new ways
Provide tools that connect them to the world daily
Richer learning experiences
Prepare students for college or career
What are Chromebooks?
A type of laptop that runs the Chrome operating system instead of Windows OS, Mac OS, or Apple iOS. These machines are designed to be used primarily while connected to the Internet, with most applications and documents living in the cloud. They have storage built within them and can be used offline for some applications.
Please refer to the EPS•connect 3.0 Handbook and FAQ for more information on EPS•connect 3.0