Enid High School Drama & Vocal Departments are trying to make Fetch happen.  MEAN GIRLS  HIGH SCHOOL VERSION  Book by Tina Fey  Music by Jeff Richmond  Lyrics by Nell Benjamin  Based on the Paramount Pictures film "Mean Girls"     February 20-22, 7:00p.m. & February 23, 2:30 p.m. Enid High Auditorium Tickets $15 for Adults, $10 for Students  Direction by Linda Outhier & Linda Small Musical Direction by Riley Faulkner & Matthew Johnson  Mean Girls High School Version is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance   materials are also supplied by MTI.     www.mtishows.com
Enid Public Schools logo with shooting star
Enid Public Schools with shooting star - district official logo
Dr. Dudley Darrow with Alva State Bank VP, Brad Boeckman
Enid Public Schools logo
Enid Athletics Logo
Enid Public Schools New Student Enrollment open at enidpublicschools.org/enrollment. Must have immunization record, birth certificate (no hospital footprints, please) and verification of address, such as a utility bill. Call the EPS Welcome Center for questions at 580.366.7100.
Dr. Angela Rhoades
Education Celebration
Enid Public School Foundation
Education Celebration
Enid High School
Scott and Megan Mansfield
Dr. Dudley Darrow
Dr. Darrell Floyd, Superintendent of EPS schools, Maxine Shepherd with Chisolm Trail Coalition, and Dr. Sam Robinson, EPS CFO and COO.
Enid Vision
Enid Public Schools