EHS senior members of the Enid High School Choir were recognized for their accomplishments this year in state contest. The Concert Choir won the sweepstakes award at state contest for the second year in a row.
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
EHS senior choir members
Choir Director Matthew Johnson
EHS tennis players and boys’ golf team were recognized for being State Qualifiers and their achievements this year.
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
tennis team
golf team
Eisenhower Elementary had two state winners in the Zaner-Bloser Handwriting contest.
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
handwriting state winners
Mikaela Heron, Prairie View 5th grader, was recognized as the state winner of the Virtual Colonial Days Essay Winner
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
PV essay winner
Fifth grade essay winner
Tabitha Kirkley represented EHS as the secondary spotlight student
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
secondary spotlight student
Tabitha Kirkley
Thank you to Glenwood Elementary Spotlight Student for leading the pledge at tonight's school board meeting.
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
EPS Elementary Spotlight Student from Glenwood
Glenwood Spotlight Student
The E-vent was a huge success! Thank you to all students, teachers, and volunteers that made it happen!
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
The E-vent performers
The Event 2022
The Event 2022
The Event 2022
Great job to these Eisenhower Eagles on their performance of "The Lion King"!
almost 3 years ago, Enid Public Schools
Lion King - Eisenhower